CS majors Fall 2024

811%Percentage of growth in number of Comp Sci undergrads in the last 10 years

$128KAverage starting salary for graduates of the Professional Master’s Program

CS News


Good news provided by CS faculty:

(gathered by former Chair Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau)

September 2024:

  • Prof Somesh Jha and colleagues won the USENIX Security Test of Time Award for their work on “Privacy in Pharmacogenetics: An End-to-End Case Study of Personalized Warfarin Dosing” (presented at USENIX Security ‘14).  [1]
  • Prof Aws Albarghouthi gave a talk entitled “Uncertainty and my scientific journey” at the PLDI Mentoring Workshop.  [2]
  • More info on Prof Bart Miller and Prof Patrick McDaniels’ work on their National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Research.  [3]
  • The CS department made four inaugural alumni awards. Thanks to Prof Suman Banerjee and many others for getting this excellent process up and running! [4]
  • Prof Yong Jae Lee was awarded an NSF grant for his proposal “Understanding and Advancing the Generalization Capabilities of Fake Image Detectors”.  [5]
  • Prof Matt Sinclair gave two talks: “Designing Better Tools for Power- and Sustainability-Aware Co-Design” as an invited talked at ModSim at and “Learning How to Use gem5 to Study Large-Scale Workloads” as an invited tutorial on gem5 at ORNL.  [6]
  • Prof Bilge Mutlu is part of a new NSF Engineering Research Center around advancing the state of the art in “dexterous robotics”.  [7]
  • Prof Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau was appointed the special advisor to the Provost on computing. [9]
  • We all welcome four new professors to the department: Prof Ali Abedi, Prof Sandeep Silwal, Prof Manolis Vlatakis, and Prof Tengyang Xie. [10]

Notes and more good news!